Full Circle Living crisis placement is for children and young people who are deemed high risk, beyond parental control, hard to reach, out of education, presenting with emotional and behavioural difficulties, and or learning disabilities. This is a short term placement that has up to a maximum of 2 children or young people placed at any one time with a ratio of 2:1.
Full Circle Living crisis placement is for children and young people who are deemed high risk, beyond parental control, hard to reach, out of education, presenting with emotional and behavioural difficulties, and or learning disabilities. This is a short term placement that has up to a maximum of 2 children or young people placed at any one time with a ratio of 2:1.
Our staff are trained in addressing/exploring missing behaviours, child sexual exploitation, substance misuse, aggressive behaviour, emotional disorders and gang culture. We are a placement that does not give up on young people and wish to serve as the start of a new beginning for a young person.
We are based in Maidstone, Kent close to the town centre where there is an array of amenities and outdoor space available for the young persons use.
About Accommodation
As a crisis placement we offer our children and young people a maximum of a 28 day activity/program based stay with us that aims to address the needs/behaviour that the young person is presenting.
Enquiry made by the Local authority regarding placement availability and eligibility criteria.
Follow up discussion regarding the young persons need and compatibility with placement.
Referral form completed by the Local Authority, documents sent to accompany such as C&F assessment etc.
Documentation about Full Circle Living Crisis placement is sent to the Local Authority and then discussion with allocated social worker in reviewing the referral information.
Where possible video call or face to face meeting set up with the young person and the allocated social worker to introduce intended key worker (the best option is for the young person to visit the placement).
Once a start date is agreed, Full Circle Living will arrange the transportation to the placement as well as send forth activity programme in advance of the placement starting.